How to
Distance Shipping

Home Members Tools Guides How To Guides Vendor Manage Shipping Vendor Manage Shipping – Distance Rates

1. To make changes, hover over the shipping method and click Edit.

2. On the next page, they will find different fields for setting up their shipping rules.

  • Method Title – Name the shipping method. This is visible to customers.
  • Tax Status – Whether the rates includes tax or not.
  • Transportation Mode – Method of transportation that is being used for delivering your products.
  • Avoid – Things to avoid when working out the distance; None, Tolls, Highways, or Ferries.
  • Distance Unit – Whether to use the Metric or Imperial system for working out distances.
  • Show Distance – Whether to show the actual distance on the cart/checkout pages when presenting the customer with their shipping rate.
  • Show Duration – Whether to show an approximation of how long the delivery would take.
  • Shipping Address – The address from where you are shipping from, this can be your store location or, if you ship from a different location to your store, enter the address of that location here.

You will find different distance rules to set your shipping charges,

  • Condition is to specify what rules are based on, be it distance, total travel time, cart item count, weight, or cart total value.
  • Min and Max to specify a range the type will fall in (travel time based in Minutes). Leave the fields blank if there is no limit.
  • Base Cost to apply if the rule matches, excluding tax. Other calculations will be added on top of this cost.
  • Cost Per Distance / Minute is the value to charge based on the total travel time or distance to the customer address, excluding tax.
  • Handling Fee allows you to enter a fixed amount or percentage that is added to the shipping cost (such as 2.50 or 5%).
  • Break will stop looking for any other rates below this rule (top-down), if the condition is met. Rates calculated up to the Break point will be offered.
  • Abort will disable this shipping method, if the condition is met. No rates will be offered.

Here are some examples to understand how distance rate-based shipping works.

Example 1:

If the distance is between 1km-100km, then for every km the vendor will charge $1. So,

Condition: Distance

Min: 1km

Max: 100km

Per Distance Cost: $1

If the total amount of the order is $90, and the distance is 1.9Km then the shipping charge will be ( 1*1.9)=$1.9. The total amount will be $91.9.

Example 2:

If it takes 1-100 minutes to complete the order, then for every minute the vendor will charge $1.

Condition: Total Travel Time

Min: 1m

Max: 100m

Per Distance Cost: $1

Here is the calculation,

Example 3: The break option will tell the system to stop calculating after the first condition is met.

Condition 1: Distance

Min: 1km

Max: 100km

Per Distance Cost: $1

Condition 2: Total Travel Time

Min: 1m

Max: 100m

Per Distance Cost: $1

Here’s what the cart page will look like, as the distance condition is met, it will not calculate the total travel time condition.

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