How to
Store Setup

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In the vendor dashboard settings, the vendor can easily customise their store.

Store banners will represent vendor product concepts with one big image. Vendors could use a good visual interactive image to grab customers’ attention. The vendor will set the image from Vendor Dashboard→Settings→Store page. You can also upload your profile picture, which would normally be your company logo.

We suggest you upload images that are 1920x960px in size and saved as jpg and with a filesize of, ideally, less than 1mb. (For improved SEO, also name the file using keywords relevant to you business, eg. “house-of-assets-exclusive-marketplace-for-luxury-assets.jpg).

Here, you can see the two fields before you upload an image:

Here they are after you upload images:

This is what they look like on the front end:

For better contact between the vendor and customer, store settings have physical location information with a map, a biography, and your own terms and conditions. Customers are able to email you via the site. We also ask for a phone number but this will only be viewable by the House of Assets admin team.

You can also decide if you want to offer direct support to your customers; this will add support tickets to your profile.

Store SEO

SEO is a very important feature for any online store. It helps drive traffic to the online store and increase sales. 

The Store SEO feature does exactly that. The vendor can set the SEO Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Facebook Title, Description, Image, Twitter Title, Description, and Image. The vendors need to navigate to the Vendor Dashboard > Settings > Store SEO section.

The vendor will find different fields to set his SEO for his/her store. We have given the description of each field of the Store SEO form fields.

SEO Title: This will appear as the store’s title in the search engine results.

Meta Description: This will appear as the store’s description in the search engine result.

Meta Keywords: This method adds meta keywords to the HTML Meta Tag that is hidden from viewers. By doing so, search engines can determine the topic of the page.

When your content is shared on Facebook or X/Twiiter, it may be displayed with a title, description. The below meta data is embeded into your vendor page so you can control how your content looks on Facebook and X/Twitter, increasing the likelihood that people will see your content and click through to your site.

Facebook Title: This will appear as the store’s title in the Facebook News Feed.

Facebook Description: This will appear as the store’s description in the Facebook News Feed.

Facebook Image: This will appear as the store’s banner in the Facebook News Feed.

X (Twitter) Title: This will appear as the store’s title in the Twitter Feed.

X (Twitter) Description: This will appear as the store’s description in the Twitter Feed.

X (Twitter) Image: This will appear as the store’s banner in the Twitter Feed.

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